Friday, October 7, 2011

must be OK to die

Based on the data we all had when we were being born, the entire scenario was a bad move percentage wise. What made it critical, unbeknownst to us, was the introduction of time. We had no information to insist we leave the absolutely perfect invironment we found ourselves in, so why leave now, or at all? No information on that at the time. But if you were told you'd be hung upside down and wacked, that you would be faced with hunger and cold, then throw in income taxes and all the other routine aggravations of living, who would opt for that? But it was ok so it must be ok to die? We were propelled light years ahead just being born, so it may be the same going out as coming in. Purpose of the trials of old age may be to make it easier to accept the ending of time. Time fools us all, more especially in the end. So if we withdraw time, introduced at birth, and reverting to the absence of time, we have eternity. It was good to exist. It looks as if it will be even more exciting going forward.

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