Tuesday, April 13, 2010

more to belief than mere agreement

It is easy to say I believe but it may be that there is more to it than one thinks. Just saying I agree with something is not believing. To believe is not as easy as just saying I believe. It must be down into my spirit and that comes from hearing the word of God. It is a continual hearing similar to eating food everyday, I must feed my spirit everyday. Actually our spirit is fed everyday no matter what. Whether it is the mayhem on television or not, our spirits are being fed. But to believe we must actually really believe. Many believe God can heal but they are not sure He will actually do it.
Story illustrating this is told of a man who carried in his arms another man across Niagara Falls in a barrel. He carries one over and comes back to ask another who is waiting wanting to get over the Falls also. Did you see me carry that man over the Falls? Do you want to go too? Oh yes, I want to go too. Do you believe I can do it? Oh yes I can see you can do it. Then get in the barrel. Why don't you take this other person first??????

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